
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thank you Jesus

Lord Jesus, I'm so glad that You saved me. Before I met You, I never knew that You loved me. But You were there, waiting for me to come to You. Thank You Lord Jesus. May I stay faithful and be close to You forever.

Biblevers Psalm 150:6

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:6

Biblevers Isaiah 45:5-6

"I am the Lord, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me, That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting That there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other."
Isaiah 45:5-6

March 8 - Heaven-Life

The Joy of the Spring shall be yours in full measure. Revel in the earth's joy. Do not you think that Nature is weary, too, of her long months of travail? There will come back a wonderful joy, if you share in her joy now.
Nature is the embodied Spirit of My Thoughts of beauty for this world. Treat her as such - as truly My servant and messenger, as any saint who has ever lived. To realize this will bring to you both new life-joy. Share her joys and travails, and great blessings will be yours.
This is all-important, because it is not only believing certain things about Me that helps and heals, but knowing Me, sensing My Presence in a flower, My message in its beauty and perfume.
You can truly live a life not of earth - a heaven-life here and now. Joy - Joy - Joy.

 "The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of
birds is come, and the voice of the turtle
is heard in our land."
- Song of Solomon 2:12

Biblevers Ephesians 6:4

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Song: You are my all in all

Be Blessed, - Prais the Lord!

Song: In His Time

Be Blessed =)

Biblevers 1 Thessalonians 5:15

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.
1 Thessalonians 5:15

Biblevers Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?
Psalm 42:2

March 7 -Suprises

Many there are who think that I test and train and bend to My Will. I, who bade the disciples take up the cross, I loved to prepare a feast for them by the lakeside - a little glad surprise, not a necessity, as the feeding of the multitude may have seemed. I loved to give the wine-gift at the marriage feast.
As you love to plan surprises for those who understand, and joy in them, so with Me. I love to plan them for those who see My Love and tender Joy in them.
Dear to the heart of My Father are those who see not only My tears, the tears of a Savior, but the smile, the joy-smile of a friend.

 "Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure
in the prosperity of his servant."
- Psalm 35:27

Biblevers James 2:8

If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you do well. James 2:8

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Biblevers 1 John 4:21

And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also. 
1 John 4:21

March 6 - Love and Laugh

Work for Me, with Me, through Me. All work to last must be done in My Spirit. How silently My Spirit works. How gently and gradually souls are led into My Kingdom.
Love and Laughter form the plough that prepares the ground for the seed. Remember this. If the ground is hard, seed will not grow there.
Prepare the ground, and prepare it as I say.

 "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,
saith the Lord of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5 - Fear Is Evil

March 5  - Fear Is Evil

Have no fear. Fear is evil and "perfect Love casts out fear." There is no room for fear in the heart in which I dwell. Fear destroys Hope. It cannot exist where Love is, or where Faith is.
Fear is the curse of the world. Man is afraid - afraid of poverty, afraid of loneliness, afraid of unemployment, afraid of sickness.
Many, many are man's fears. Nation is afraid of nation. Fear, fear, fear, everywhere. Fight fear as you would a plague. Turn it out of your lives and home. Fight it singly. Fight it together. Never inspire fear. It is an evil ally. Fear of punishment, fear of blame.
No work that employs this enemy of Mine is work for Me. Banish it. There must be another and better way.
Ask Me and I will show it you.

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, 
and of love, and of a sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

Song: He will make a Way

Prais the Lord :

Biblevers Mark 9:23

Mark 9:23
" 'If you can" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."

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